The Department of Dentistry at the Nyali Bridge Medical Centre is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for diseases and disorders of the mouth, jaws, teeth, and face. In addition to oral hygiene, restorative dentistry, root canal therapy, periodontal treatment, and implant dentistry, we perform procedures under local and general anesthesia in the operating room

Specialized Care

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery:
We are more than just tooth extractions, this specialty concentrates on treating dental and jawbone infections and conditions and disorders.If a patient has lost a tooth or multiple teeth, we can replace them with dental implants, which are an affordable and attractive alternative to removable dentures and bridges. Plus they look, feel, and function like natural teeth, so there’s no need to be timid when it comes to a wide smile!
Orthodontic treatment is used to improve the appearance, position and function of crooked or abnormally arranged teeth, by straightening the teeth and moving them into a better position. This is usually achieved through the use of braces.
Pediatric Dentistry:
Our Pediatric Dentists are committed to providing the highest level of care to the oral health needs of infants, children, and adolescents. Because their behavior, growth, and development are quite different from adults, children require unique treatment methods to avoid future dental problems.
Our steadfast focus on prevention, early detection, and proper treatment of dental disease enables us to treat all children, including those with complex dental issues and special health care needs.
Also known as Reconstructive Dentistry, involves the replacement and restoration of teeth lost or damaged due to age or disease. Our specialists prepare bridges, dentures, crowns, and caps (laminates), and provide oral prostheses to correct defects caused by surgery and to assist those with respiratory problems and sleep apnea